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Environmental Justice, Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion

Environmental Justice, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (J.E.D.I)

The Surfrider Foundation is committed to fostering a just, equitable, diverse, and inclusive organization for all people who protect and enjoy the world’s ocean, waves, and beaches. Our success and impact depend on learning from our community, standing in solidarity with our allies, and working toward a more just future, both for our organization and the environmental movement as a whole.


Our Commitment

We deeply believe that justice, equity, diversity and inclusion (J.E.D.I) is vital in our work to effectively advocate for our coasts. We are making the following commitments to elevate these values in our work, both internally and externally.

Protection & Enjoyment of our ocean, waves, and beaches for ALL PEOPLE.


How can you help promote J.E.D.I values?

J.E.D.I values start within your own circle! 

  • Expand & Diversify: gaining new perspectives & embracing differences.
  • Recognize environmental injustice within your community.
  • Call out systemic racism and work to remove any institutional barriers that add layers of disadvantage to any and all communities.
  • Promote openness and tackle microaggressions.

See something? Say something. Reach out to Lily,, about any J.E.D.I related issues in your coastal community. 

Donations as small as $10 help us host recruiting event at various locations engaging a wide range of people.
