We appreciate having companies, clubs, and other non-profits help us clean and share in the environmental care of our planet.
Our chapter is 100% volunteer operated meaning your tax-deductible donation goes directly into the programs we run. We depend on donations to keep awareness and education going. Cleanups provide great brand exposure due to our key locations with high transit of local visitors and tourists.
Fee for service start at:
$1,000 - Beach Cleanups (see Schedule)
$2,000 - Beach Cleanups (company only)
$2,500 - Huntington Harbor Cleanups (company only)
$1,000 - Channel Cleanups (see Schedule)
$1,000 - Native Plant Restoration (see Schedule)
Be prepared with:
- Date options
- Time
- Location
- Number of Volunteers
Please email cleanups@northoc.surfrider.org and let us know which cleanup you are interested in sponsoring or if you wish to have one outside those dates.
2025 Sponsors:
2023+2024 Sponsors: